The Big Short

People told me they liked the recently-released movie The Big Short based on the book of the same name by Michael Lewis, so I did go to see it at a theater, something I’m loathe to do these days because the theaters seem determined to crush all human sensitivity out of their patrons during the overlong and overloud Coming Retractions segment that precedes the main show. Seems to me that earplugs are a better theater accessory these days than 3D glasses.

Anyway, the movie has been well-received by both critics and audiences. It is a well-crafted dramatization of the true story of a few traders who foresaw the collapse of the housing bubble and figured out how to make large profits from that event.  It shows aspects of the lead-up and crash that are not well-known by the public. And it shows the vitriol and threats directed at anyone who sees important events sooner than the general public, especially when what they see means that people are going to lose some or all of their elusive spondulix.

The main character is Michael Burry, who not only foresaw the coming real estate bubble collapse, but had a very good idea of just how devastating it would be for the economy. It’s exceedingly rare for the hero of a movie to be someone as intelligent as Burry.

But more important than the movie is what Burry is doing these days. Remember, Burry does intelligent things before the crowd. He’s a rather private fellow, but has made a few public appearances, one on 60 Minutes, and this one on Bloomberg where he talked about what he was currently buying–farmland with water on site, and gold:

Here is Burry giving a fabulous commencement speech at UCLA in 2012. Burry’s speech starts at the 2:15 into the video:

Selected quotes:

It’s an age of infinite distraction, for those so willing. You are the generation that has had instant messaging, Facebook, Twitter, an angry bird nagging your fingertips at every moment. It’s been arguably as addictive as any drug throughout history, and I do imagine, it took some terrific will power during your studies … to study.

In 2010, I published an op-ed in the New York Times posting what I thought was a valid question of the Federal Reserve, Congress, and the President. I saw the crisis coming … why did not the Fed? Never did any member of Congress, any member of government for the matter, reach out to me for an open collegial discussion on what went wrong or what could be done. Rather, within two weeks, all six of my defunct funds were audited. The Congressional Financial Finance Inquiry Commission demanded all my emails and lists of people with whom I conversed going back to 2003, and a little later the FBI showed up. A million in legal and accounting costs and thousands of hours of time wasted – all because I asked questions. It seemed they would pump me at gun point or not at all. That summer the Federal Reserve put out a paper that concluded nothing in the field of economics or finance could have predicted what happened with regards to the housing bust and subsequent economic fallout. Ben Bernanke continues to backfill this logic and I fear that history is being written wrong yet again. The ignorance is willful.

And here is an interview he gave a week ago ago:

     Michael Burry, Real-Life Market Genius From The Big Short, Thinks Another Financial Crisis Is Looming

Selected quotes:

I am shocked that executives at some of the worst lenders were not punished for what they did. But this is the nature of these things. The ones running the machine did not get punished after the dot-com bubble either — all those VCs and dot-com executives still live in their mansions lining the 280 corridor on the San Francisco peninsula. The little guy will pay for it — the small investor, the borrower. Which is why the little guy needs to be warned to be more diligent and to be more suspicious of society’s sanctioned suits offering free money. It will always be seductive, but that’s the devil that wants your soul.

The zero interest-rate policy broke the social contract for generations of hardworking Americans who saved for retirement, only to find their savings are not nearly enough. And the interest the Federal Reserve pays on the excess reserves of lending institutions … handcuffed lending to small and midsized enterprises, where the majority of job creation and upward mobility in wages occurs. Government policies and regulations in the post-crisis era have aided the hollowing-out of middle America…These changes even expanded the wealth gap by making asset owners richer at the expense of renters. Maybe there are some positive changes in there, but it seems I fail to see beyond the absurdity.

All these people found others to blame, and to that extent, an unhelpful narrative was created. Whether it’s the one percent or hedge funds or Wall Street, I do not think society is well served by failing to encourage every last American to look within.

Americans have so much natural entrepreneurial drive. The caveat is that it is technology that should be a tool making lives better in the real world, and in line with the American spirit of getting better and better at something, whether it’s curing cancer or creating a better taxi service. I am less impressed with the market values assigned to technology that enhances distraction.

So folks, do you have your farmland with water on site and some gold? Are you looking within and working like mad to avoid formidable distraction? Or are you following a path designed by what Burry calls “society’s sanctioned suits” offering free money and a million tantalizing distractions?

An evolutionary event

It isn’t often that one realizes, at the time of an event, that it will have a definite evolutionary impact. But I think this one will.

For those interested, the Sanctus Germanus Foundation has posted a simple yet powerful chant designed to intentionally develop or enhance clairaudience, to make this ability commonplace.  This has the potential to change people’s experience of what life is.

Clearly, from the amount of channeled information in books and on the web, clairaudience is already more commonplace than in prior time periods. Some of this channeled info is extraordinarily helpful, some is misleading. Thus, precautionary comments are in order: Success will reveal that not all beings from “the other side” are beneficent saints. Nor are they omniscient. Some communicate to advance their own selfish interests, not the interests of the seeker of truth. And just as misunderstandings happen in standard verbal communications, so can the same easily happen with clairaudient communications. The best protection is to take the Mystery School course that is the source of the chant; this provides the wider context and the opportunity to work directly with the Master Serapis Bey.

For those who wish to go it alone: first, if you get into trouble, let’s just say with an entity that doesn’t want to go away, you can request a telepathic healing for that here; second, you might want to read the section under the heading “Tricky Discarnate Souls” at this link.

These cautions are not given to discourage anyone from developing a skill that is the right of all humans, but to highly recommend that discernment and reason be an integral part of the process.

The chant is explained here in a transcript excerpt from the course audio; and you can hear the chant at the link which is the title of that page.

For those who wish to do so, this can help people expand the portion of the energetic spectrum in which they are conscious participants.

A Comment on Evolution

Going by those who rant about it, opinion appears split on evolution.

The fundamentalist religious view is that evolution does not exist at all.

The concrete science view sees evolution as a grand process in which individuals and species have accidentally turned out to have a will to live and a desire to reproduce so they compete with other individuals and species for resources and, through random genetic mutations, respond more or less well to environmental changes delivered by an indifferent universe.

I’m sure one could improve on the details of my characterizations, but I think they do sum up the prevailing views.

And the thing is, with either view, evolution is either mostly or entirely meaningless to an individual. If that second view is right, then the individual is the result of evolution, and in some ways its victim.

Allow me to suggest a more useful way to view evolution:

Evolution entails expanding ability to relate with increasingly finer energetic expressions.

Since this applies across the board, it is, in my view, well worth contemplating. It is true for individuals, tribes, societies, species, art, music, literature, science, and so forth.

The early task is learning to competently relate to the dense physical. Beings need food, warmth, shelter. Then they explore relating with other beings: friendship, caring, empathy, nurturing, and their opposites—that is, the emotional realm. This is followed by increasing mental activity coming into play. After that, it’s the realm of insight, wisdom, intuition, telepathy, clairvoyance, and so forth.

If this is true, then an important aspect of the above is that once self-awareness is attained, then much about the pace of a person’s evolution is in their own hands. Once conscious, people can evolve themselves in most aspects of their life if they choose to learn to progressively relate with finer energetic expressions, inside and outside. As such, people become aware that what is within them is a cause of their own evolution. And such people become a cause of evolution in the planetary sense. Think of how those beings who have taken insight to great heights have changed the world.

One classic example of this path of evolution is carried out by many in India where their life proceeds from childhood, to starting a family, to becoming a householder—that is, a person who can provide for several or even many people—and then forsaking all that and becoming a seeker in quest of the spiritual heights.

As another example, let’s look at people’s relation with food. (Clearly, the boundaries I am drawing here are not hard boundaries, people live on multiple energetic levels simultaneously, so things overlap.) People likely began by gathering food, followed by hunting. Those who learned to relate with their fellows to hunt and gather in groups certainly prospered compared with those who insisted on “going it alone.” After a time, the mental came into the picture as people figured out how to overcome the hardships of the nomadic lifestyle of hunters and gatherers by growing food. Once villages were formed on this basis, further mental activity resulted in the vast efficiencies of division of labor as people developed specialized skills based on their unique talents, and people learned to trade goods and labor.

The growing of food progressed into irrigation systems, plant breeding, machine power, and fertilization, leading to the current mechanized globalized highly-petroleum-dependent genetically-modified mono-culture agribusiness model. In this model, a grower basically creates a dead zone where all living creatures (insects, weeds, worms, soil bacteria and fungus, etc.) are excluded except for a single plant—for example, corn, wheat, or rice—and the output is transported hundreds or thousands of miles to be processed, packaged, and eaten. Further mental activity is now revealing the consequences of this model in terms of pollution, soil loss and degradation, aquifer depletion, food lacking in nutritional value, food laced with antibiotics, mass die-offs of pollinators, and so forth, leading to organic farming where the farmer takes care of the critters in the soil (the two billion or so worms, microbes, bacteria, and insects per square foot of truly rich soil) and the soil critters take care of the plants, with an emphasis on local production and consumption. The pollinators, essential to our food crops, flourish in this environment.

Many in the organic field are evolving themselves toward permaculture in which, as in nature, guilds of perennial plants work together for their mutual benefit with minimal interaction from humans required.

Alongside but also beyond this are places like Findhorn and Perelandra. Findhorn is famous for 40 pound cabbages grown in the fierce cold, wind and very poor sandy soil of the coast of northern Scotland. Many people think this is done by people gathering around a cabbage and giving it love–which is certainly interesting in itself if that helps to create 40 pound cabbages–and while that is one thing that sometimes happens at Findhorn, the people who founded it were doing something rather sophisticated: cooperating directly with the nature intelligences that power the design and building of plants. Such co-creation methods are verifiable by those who try them. And most who try them wouldn’t do things any other way, the results are way too rewarding and have the “minor” side effect of providing a person with remarkable new insights into how life works. For anyone interested, here is a book to get started.

So that’s an example of what I mean by “expanding ability to relate with increasingly finer energetic expressions.”

Some people prefer the phrase higher vibrational expressions to finer energetic expressions. Both are excellent. But the use of finer and higher does not mean that a person gets to skip evolutionary steps. The evolutionary aim is mastery of the physical, the emotional, the concrete mental, and the realm of insight. If you haven’t learned how to handle your finances, if you are out for revenge, if wanting approval guides your life, if you want to control everyone in sight—that is, if you have some of the myriad difficulties to which we humans all seem to get attached—these things can’t be pretended away simply by trying to go higher and higher. While such things are in play, going deeper is the requirement before higher can be maintained. Why do these things exist in me? Where did they come from? Why do I maintain them? We all spiral though phases of light and darkness, of crisis and revelation. From what I have seen, deeper and higher lead to the same place, and seeking in both directions is required. In this way, a person becomes an increasingly higher vibrational expression.

As for the fundamental religious view, it seems rather odd that a God would make a world that doesn’t evolve. And one where that God doesn’t get to evolve. How would change take place? I really don’t know what to say to such folks. As I look around, it looks to me like everything is evolving. And Jesus told them that they “will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these.” (John 14:11) How will they become beings who can do works greater than those done by Jesus if they can’t evolve from where they are now?

I guess they would call me a blasphemer for saying that if a person does decide to fire up their own evolution, then as a cause of evolution, that person has become a creator.

So what are you creating today?

Guest Post: Your Plan

We interrupt the What is the Transition? series for this brief post by someone who does not wish their name to appear on the internet, and thus will remain anonymous for the time being:

There is much noise in today’s world. The still small thought-pattern voice of your soul, your higher self, must come through to your conscious mind if you are to fulfill the plan you made for your life.

This voice is not a voice in the normal sense. It is not noisy. It is quiet. It requires you to move your thoughts out of the way. And let that voice speak. And let it be heard.

That voice, that thought-form, that energetic pattern, can re-mind you of why you decided to wade into this oftentimes confusing world known as the physical plane, the Earth plane.

No one else–no medium, no writer, no guru–can tell you your plan, the major idea of your plan. It is up to you to retrieve it. Doing so will bring you great joy.

The clues are everywhere. For most, your whole life is a clue, your whole life is a set of clues, a series of preparations for carrying out your plan. Much else is also accomplished in this series. But the preparation is for a specific expression of your life stream.

Find it. Retrieve it. Implement it. You will not be disappointed.


There is a realm of life that is … perfect.

It can be touched. It can be contacted.

Every person can do it, even if only for a moment. It is one of our birthrights.

It can happen on purpose. In meditation. That’s the most reliable way, and the safest. Or it can happen “by accident,” laying in a grassy field opening to comprehend the manifested vastness of all those suns and galaxies. For some, it happened “by accident” when they tried psychedelics.

Some recall the experience. And wish they could have it again. They can. If they recall it. And touch it again.

Others remember it. And deny it! Claim it was meaningless: A return to a delusional narcissistic paradise.

And yet it is there. Perfect. A pearl beyond price. There for the seeking.

Worth pursuing. Worth contemplating.

Found, it brings change. Even some things on the physical plane might seem, well, perfect. You might hear nearly-involuntary exclamations from yourself: “Perfect!”

And perfect might even be useful. And it might even cause trouble. What? Perfect causes trouble? Strange stuff that. A topic for another day.

And if anyone is darkening their field with this type of idea, “Yeah, I tried that years ago, it didn’t work for me”: Well, you know this acceleration thing we keep talking about? It’s happening on all levels. If you had inner aims that have become a little rusty, you might want to fire up those aims for another try, you might be very pleased with how much more accessible–how much more available–results, unexpected results, have become. The “boundaries” that seem to separate the planes of existence are thinning. It is an aspect of this transition.

As the magnificent Serapis Bey says, “Seek, seek, seek, seek. And when you are tired, take your rest. And when you are rested, seek, seek, seek, seek.” A prediction from a prediction-tracking addict: You will be amazed at what you find. Perhaps it will be “your own true nature, which is tireless, ever seeking, ever finding.”